A year gone by

What a difference a year can make. Last year this time I was gearing up to be a graphic designer, find a real job in my field and be superwoman. This year I am preparing for a daughter and trying not to lose my identity all at the same time.

This year will prove to be challenging as we try to reintegrate our family and raise a baby…together. I have so many fears as my last infant experience was lonely and very hard to press through. We both have so many challenges as we are both used to being in charge and having things done our own way. It takes daily work to compromise and be okay with differences. I know our kids are better off having both of us and our unique personalities and knowledge. We need to remember the small things in life, remember that family is most important and that we will get through this. Our kids are healthy, we are healthy and we all have and love each other.

Love the tree

The past few days have shown me that he can be quite a saint and that having him here with me is the best feeling in the world. I cant push him away, he’s always going to be there and comfort me. I need to bend and let loose, find the fun in life and just be happy with what I have. It’s definitely good enough, even if you don’t have a stove or a dishwasher, floors, who needs ‘em? Not me, I really don’t. I just need him and his support and love. It makes a world of difference.

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